Hello again!
As you probably know, I am making blog posts as I progress through my UVic EDCI 407 Assignment 1. One of the actions I took during my completion of the assignment was to create a short survey about parents’ reactions and perceptions surrounding their child’s report cards. My short survey consisted of 5 questions, and I was lucky to have the guardian(s) of five different students complete my survey.
Q1. How would you describe your child’s performance based on reading their report?
- great
- average
- Good
- Okay
- decent
Q2. Were you surprised by any grades/comments?
- No
- No
- No
- Yes, I thought they were a good reader, and some things seem contradictory, how can my kid be “a careful, thoughtful writer” yet “need to focus on specific tasks better”
- Yes, I feel like I had to constantly help with [Johnny] at home, but he got straight 3’s and even two 4’s
Q3. Does the report reflect the same feeling as your communications with the teacher?
- Yes, we talk to her often so the report was not really anything substantial to us
- Kind of, she only ever has nice things to say about [Jasmine] to us but the card said she needs improvement on a few things
- I’ve never met them so I can’t answer this
- No
- I don’t know we never talk
Q4. Is there anything you would change?
- No, we love [Mrs. H]
- I’d like to see some examples of her work
- I don’t know
- I’d like more in-depth wording and comments that are about MY child.
- I wish it was more comprehensive and gave me some suggestions or invitations to be involved at the school more
Q5. How did the report card make you feel?
- Proud
- Self-conscious
- Okay
- Confused
- Dumb
These answers are something that I plan to investigate further and I plan to post a video of my analysis and reaction on this blog,
See you again soon!
February 3, 2021 at 8:58 pm
Tim I just found your survey for ED D 407 our Assessment course and I am so impressed with your well crafted survey questions. It was interesting to read the responses! Thank you for sharing this blog with me. Regards, Pam (Quigg)