In my last post I outlined how I plan to reduce behavioural issues preemptively. However, I know that issues will arise despite my best efforts.

When problems arise in my future classrooms, I plan to be involved in resolving these problems. When a student displays unsafe, disruptive, or unexpected behaviours, I will first remind them of our expectations and rules that we created together; to establish cooperatively with the student that they have not met the expectations or broken our rules.

This is the first step in a process; if behaviours continue, I plan to have a student-teacher conference to discuss the issue and plan for the future; if you are curious how this interaction may look, please revisit the conference portion of this portfolio as I am pretty proud of how we approached that situation and am very confident in my ability to defend our plans and justifications. If the resolutions established in a first conference do not change the behaviours, I will include parents in a further meeting. If this is not successful, the administration or support staff will resolve the issues involved. Of course, by this point, an assessment to pursue a designation may be something to be considered. Still, I see that as a student support issue, not a behaviour management strategy, but I feel it needs mentioning.

As far as consequences and reinforcements go, I plan to use my presence and our conferences as the, well, I guess punishment. Still, I aim not to use trauma-inducing disciplinary measures as deterrents to misbehaviours. As I mentioned earlier, I will start with a quick chat, then a full-on conference, involve parents, then work with administration and support staff, at which point some kind of action may occur.

I feel that programs like non-violent communication and restorative justice measures will be ones I will use in bullying or conflict instances between individuals. Making restitution for wrongdoings is a good action, and one of my main goals is not to exclude students utilizing suspension or expulsion, which are the administration’s jurisdiction anyhow.

Poster by Gretchen Hasse
How NVC may look in the classroom

To communicate these processes to students, I will use my relationships to keep clear communication lines. Through the actions I have mentioned already in this portfolio, I will involve students in establishing plans to communicate. Also, I will use direct language and ensure understanding through contracts and oral agreements that are specific and very clear.

Infographic outlining restorative mindset