I am making this post to display 10 documents that I created for learning assessment. When I made these sheets one of my goals was to have them easily modified for different uses and for scaling. I chose to include these examples because I feel that they demonstrate my student-centric approach to teaching/learning.

This is an assessment sheet for a student conference. The document is designed for behaviour intervention. However, teachers can easily modify it for use during any student conference.

This is a student conference form designed for use by a teacher or as a guide for student self-evaluation. Designed for a science fair.

This is a self-evaluation template for a PE soccer unit for middle school use.

Science fair self-evaluation for primary usage.

Primary self-evaluation for use in English Language Arts.

Another self-evaluation. 🙂

Exit sheet for use in middle school science.

Exit sheet for English Language Arts learning assessment.

Exit slip for Drama or English Language Arts.

Another Drama/E.L.A. example.