In my last post I outlined how I plan to reduce behavioural issues preemptively. However, I know that issues will arise despite my best efforts. When problems arise in my future classrooms, I plan to be involved in resolving these… Continue Reading →
In this post, I aim to outline my programs/activities/strategies that I plan to put into place to support students and anticipate and prevent misbehaviour. The first act I will proceed with to anticipate and minimize misbehaviours is to foster a… Continue Reading →
This post will outline my plans for how the physical layout of my classroom will look. When drafting a layout for a classroom, I considered some key elements: Student needs: allergy, wheelchair (mobility accommodations), hearing, eyesight, etc. What is the… Continue Reading →
A large part of classroom management is developing and following a process and procedures. I believe that processes and procedures must be established and communicated to students clearly and respectfully in order to increase the probability that they are effective…. Continue Reading →
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